...and there's the stories, good, maybe, on the fly, but if you're committed to a couple of hours of them straight they can get to be a little much...like how Bob Hope got his name and what a good time was had by all at his hundredth birthday party...like how he took Mother Theresa gold panning on the Sacramento River and they gave all the gold they got to the orphans and then Elizabeth Taylor showed up and she was dressed as an Egyptian and won a bet and isn't that the funniest thing you ever heard? and how the 5 Electra's wanted the belt I gave him and were trying to peel it off his body and he managed to resist and how roasted peacock (wrapped in the same foil and on the same bread as the sandwiches on the Ferry) tastes just like chicken or turkey if you don't know you're eating it and how he's wearing Roger Vadim's leather coat and would you like to try it on? (of course, of course, and it smells a little, smells a lot like Roger Vadim died in it...) and about how his real name used to be "Prince of the MPire" before he changed it...

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