And, cafe this morning, eavesdropping, my table behind the Big-City Blonde. She's moved back to Nelson, according to a mutual acquaintance, only - to listen to her, she's not. 

She's a big day-timer, an 8X11 inch binder with which she schedules her life, I'd make fun of it but really, having a schedule seems like a positively good thing. I mean, I have one after a fashion, only it's perpetually being upended by work and annual inspections.

Anyways, eavesdropping, not even, she talks loudly with purpose, the intent that the whole cafe knows her business, and I'm not sure that it's not a little bit for my benefit... she's moving back to Vancouver, been here a couple of weeks, dating pool is too small, she really wants to get married...

...she's 40, beautiful, and I'm wondering where the hell do you come from that marriage is a priority, but - I've met others of the ilk, it's a thing, for certain people, and while I'm looking like that guy who stares into the camera, disbelief at what he's hearing, "am I the only sane one here...?" expression on my face, trying not to be obvious, because now she's got her camera out to take a selfie and I don't want my incredulous expression to be showing up in the background...

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