I haven't seen him for a couple of months, busy with work and getting nothing done and all, so finally I make the call and we hook up for coffee. 

Catching up, getting the news and such.

He's been taking an "online dating course" by so-and-so, and one of the things he's learned is that you shouldn't be too keen, don't give a girl the impression that she's all that. Say something like "Yeah, you're all right, but who does your hair? The Gardener?". He laughs, he thinks it's funny.

I ask him if he's been on any dates, this is irrelevant, he gets up to get some more coffee....

...And starts talking with some girls at the bar, also ordering coffee, and I'm worried, no, certain now that he's showing off his new dating tricks, he's the pick-up artist from hell, and I slouch in my chair, coffee with crazy. I should really dress better, then people might at least think that I'm his social worker or something....

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