(Gonna be jumping around a bit - Vancouver, Edmonton, Nelson. Going back to Vancouver for the next few posts...)

2 Weeks worth of set dressing put to rest with a single nights filming.

And now, a week later, they're cleaning it up. The brief neon cleaver, gone, scraping the letters off the tiles from the wall, undoing the floor, cleaning off the gilt on the windows that advertised the "Tongue and Tail", all the fridges, plastic meats removed, 2 weeks to build, 1 night shooting, another week to "restore" the property to the condition in which they rented it. A very short lived gentrification.

An older couple, walking past, looking at the "Tongue and Tail" writ large on the alley wall, discussing loudly "They better clean that up..." - when in fact the clean-up is the damage to the neighborhood, the film crew is busy scrubbing, replacing the gum, filling the doorway back up with the syringes, foil, feces, trash, graffiti tags on the window and alley, they'll have no improvements here...

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