This is without doubt the most procrastinated of blogs. By which I mean to forestall further procrastinations by beginning, today, the process of putting into print the the hundreds of thoughts that assail me, to organize into piles the heaps of ideas, illegible post-it notes, napkins, envelopes, and anything else that has taken an impression, to begin upon a mountain of opinions, facts, memes and ideas, to sort, categorize, to write with a minimum of revisions (and here I chortle, because with every sentence I review the paragraph and revise, rewrite, redraft. . . ).

There have been 10, 000 things come between me and this first post, 1 million fritters, 10 million excuses. . .

This is without doubt the most procrastinated of blogs. By which I mean to forestall further procrastinations by beginning, today, the process of putting into print the the hundreds of thoughts that assail me, to organize into piles the heaps of ideas, illegible post-it notes, napkins, envelopes, and anything else that has taken an impression, to begin upon a mountain of opinions, facts, memes and ideas, to sort, categorize, to write with a minimum of revisions (and here I chortle, because with every sentence I review the paragraph and revise, rewrite, redraft. . . ).

There have been 10, 000 things come between me and this first post, 1 million fritters, 10 million excuses, and finally they've worn too thin and I can postpone this no longer. TO postpone further would mean beginning to dessicate and dry up, already thoughts turn circles in my head, and to deny them outlet is to be condemned to forever retracing old patterns, opinions, habits. 

If you're here, perhaps you've a blog yourself, and know what I mean, or shake your head and wonder what in the hell I'm on about.

Perhaps it is because it's too large a project to begin in one sitting, or even 10 or a hundred, one does not find blogs with a single post, so one wants a minimum of a hundred, a thousand, before one begins.

It's curious the writers of the software, like wordpress and eblogger, don't realize this, and when installing your blog ask you some multiple choice questions to ascertain your political views, religion, socio-economic status, then generate your first hundred posts, to be deleted as you replace them with content that is unique.

Some of my procrastinations? A short list might include finding the perfect blogging software (when, after a year of searching, I discovered that my definition of 'perfect' amounted to anything that would take the thoughts out of my head, organize, edit & rewrite them without further input from myself. I've come to realize I might be waiting a bit. . ).  Then there are graphics, something that captures my variety of moods, something unique, not too distracting, but distracting enough that you miss small errors in my copy, or forgive the somewhat forced style of my first few posts. . .And of course, there is work, personal, social committments, there are emails to be answered, projects to be completed, and funny how the lists will stretch on into infinity, and always I've known this and yet allowed it to happen again and again, needing desperately to reorganize my priorities. . .

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