Last night, a late night at work, in bed by 2:00 AM. 

This morning, up at 7:00. The cat's been scratching at her litter box for an hour, she won't quit, I need to empty it, and when it's done I resolve to stay up. Coffee. More coffee. Check email, enter a few online contests, another win, apparently, 3rd prize, need to call tomorrow and find out what it is....I don't recall having even entered their contest...Shovel sidewalk.

9:00 AM - Call friend for coffee.

Meet for coffee. He's into Deepak Shopra at the moment, it's all making sense, he mimes for me the attitude of perfect mental emptiness I need to manifest my dreams. 

I give him a minute or two, ensuring I understand. He's got his eyes screwed shut, holding his hands in front of him, waiting....

I don't need lessons in mental emptiness at the moment. My mind, my head, is a vacuum.

After coffee a ride to the Hillhurst Flea Market, no great treasures today, the periscope, it's vanished, not sure if it's been sold or the dealer's simply forgotten to bring it with him, I don't ask, to ask is to reduce one's bargaining power...

I do find a made in Holland porcelain statue of the beloved virgin for a twoonie, I pick it up, sucker that I am for religious kitsch.

Then home, a sandwich and a nap.

Dreams, erratic, that my rosary collection has been vandalized, someone has stolen the crosses from them, broken jewellry, an old house in Moose Jaw, they, the thief/antique dealer, lives across the street, he agrees to pay for damages only he wants to take back an old round oak table he sold me, he'll pay me $1400, which is OK, wheeling it across the street, an Asian gangster is watching him...

The phone wakes me, tele-web-advice, provided, back to sleep...

...more bizarre dreams...

then up, exhausted, at 5:00, email, work, surf the net, writing, projects, laundry, pay bills online, the ever growing list of countless things to be done in a very limited time.... 

Now time for laundry, dishes, back to writing, watch the rest of the BBC special on Chaos...

Time passes.

Smart Search