An early morning, I find myself unable to sleep in. Not Father's Day in particular, but any day, in the early afternoon I'll die and want nothing better than to nap, sleep, pass out in my bed, but it's morning and I'm up. 

The flea market: great treasures today, found and not purchased: a made-in-china "Breguet", sharp but at $120.00 a bit steep...various games for the kids (Wii & Xbox), some jewelry, the rock lady had various finds resembling somewhat similar things I'd been ordering off Ebay (but not at the same price), an antique telephone for $15 but purchased for $10 (don't ask, I have my reasons...), other finds....all in all a good flea market day. I could have spent a few hours, but it's father's day and the kids, they have plans.

Well, not really. The daughter made me a bookmark in school, keywords placed on the blackboard and interpreted by the children for their fathers - My name, spelled out: "Respect - Get a new job, Organize - I need to see you, Different - Love ....".

Yep, I need a new job. 12 weeks until the new theatre season, and I should be resolved not to miss it regardless of the consequences. I have to mind the consequences, I've lived through them and they're too fresh in my mind to be ignored, the table hasn't sold (still get comments though) and I don't want to have to move again.

Time passes.

After the children have been repackaged, carefully returned to their more competent and well rested caregivers, I have my nap.

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