AN early night at work, thankfully, but work at home to catch up upon.

Traced the "500 Internal Server" to the tag-cloud component of the site, uninstalled & reinstalled an updated version, now appears to be working. I've yet to fix the blog listing of all articles, so for the moment all articles will have to be published to the front page.

And I've been thinking of the I-PAD, not because I want one, but because I've been curious what would be the "next big thing" in computing.

The I-Pad isn't it.

From what I've seen, the Microsoft Courier is a big potential contender. I like the touch screen interface, if it's lightweight and portable enough...

What I really want is some sort of touch screen interface that will recognize my handwriting and offer the ability to sketch vast mental maps that extend for kilometers beyond the boundaries of the screen and offer the potential for unlimited zoom. 

Probably it's just me, but the mental mapping software out there, with it's dependence on keyboards and mouses, is rubbish. 

What I want to do is to sketch, with a stylus or brush, images, ideas, thoughts, questions, over acres of virtual territory. With my hand, not a mouse or a keyboard. I want to be able to organize my thoughts. I want a virtual notebook that will take my writing as I put stylus to page, change it into legible type, allow me to explore related ideas, drag in images, soundclips, videos, links.....

Probably the Courier isn't the next big thing either, but it seems a whole lot closer.

And I'm working on other, more detailed posts, so this evening is a little shortchanged. I'm preparing my next Kijiji listing - for a genii infested oil lamp, almost there, just need to round up a few parts and take a few your money

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