The new landlords, they're impressed by my piety. 

They've popped around to attend miscellaneous small repairs, light yard work, check that everything is OK.

They love the "Our Lady of the Birds", a bird feeder I've left on the front step, the blessed virgin presiding. 

"It's our Lady of Fatima" they assure me, they're Portuguese and so they'd know. Not to be confused with "Our Lady of Lourdes", which mistake I made (but was forgiven for, they are, after all, somewhat alike, and they take a minute to explain the difference.)

And they love how I've fixed up a little shrine in the hallway, filling the old phone niche with rosaries, devotional cards, miraculous anointing balm.

They think we're on the same page, which is a good thing, and are impressed by my piety.

I haven't the heart to tell them I'm a Buddhist.

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