Day off (call and confirmed), been busy the last couple days and so it was a little in doubt...

A large list of errands that included thrift shops, picking up a Wii and some accessories for my daughter's 9th birthday (the grotesque spoiling of children by the absent parent, most single parents can relate...), then a quick peruse of the transit map of Calgary and a bus up to collect my package from eBay.

Now it's perfect, I don't want to open it, perfectly wrapped, small, lightweight, and after I pick it up and get it home I put it on the desk without opening it. All the way from Tibet, although the postmarks all read China.

I have to open it, I've had messages from the vendor on eBay, he wants to know if I've received it, he wants his feedback...

But I nap, briefly, first, a pleasant medley of dreams interrupted finally by a call from 403-310-2255. Unknown number. More on that later.

Unpack the thrift shop finds, a Beanie for the daughter as well, she already has it, but bought it full price for $10, mine was a dollar and so I bought it to illustrate the financial benefits of recycling, a copy of the 1970's version of the "Lord of the Rings" on DVD for a colleague at work, other small trifles.

Then I open it. I'd leave it in the package for a week or two yet, were it up to me, but I have to inspect it for damage, leave feedback.

It's perfect, exactly as described, better even, for the price a bargain and I want to message the seller now and order a dozen more (if he can round them up at the price I won it at...). I've found a small spot on a wall and hung it up - it's perfect.

I'd take a picture so you could see, but it's better you take my word. It's perfect.

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