I've a toothache.

Nasty, nasty toothache. And while I'm taking a veritable concert of medications (currently on the Scotch and Advil Mix), it's still there. 

After you take the pill, an hour, maybe two, where you forget that it's there. Well, not forget, but you feel pretty good comparatively.

Then it begins to throb, intermittent. 

Occasional waves of fever as the bacteria attack the body. I'm pretty sure I'll live but it's unpleasant nonetheless.

I swill my mouth with diet pop, salt water, Listerine, Scotch.

I can't brush, can't even think of brushing at the moment...

26 days until benefits kick in. I'm pretty sure it'll be gone in the next 2 or three days; but I have a huge phobia of dentists. Immense phobia. Early experiences with modern dentistry, all unpleasant, I'd just as soon see a barber or shoemaker for the extraction and necessary repairs. Couldn't hurt more and would probably cost a hell of a lot less.

So forgive me for not writing at greater length. I can't talk, I have a toothache.

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