And today I caught up with all the bills from the daughter's visit in the summer. A lean visit, we accomplished next to nothing on my list, yet still there were an abundance of pawns and debts outstanding that had to be caught up, for a limited time only, what's mine is mine. I should get rid of it quickly before all is lost...

Looking for a new car, the old one, well, it's done, even to buy a tire for it, given how long it has left, seems a waste, and so I"m shopping for the ultimate 4X4, in my mind a beat up old Mercedes jeep styled SUV, but I'm open, and so searching Kijiji I find not 1, but 2 1986 Volvo's, 240 DL, Manual Transmission, and everything looks as if it might be pawned again...but I can't, the daughter's due back at Xmas, that's the next imminent bill, afterwards, for a couple months at least, my money's my own...

Oh, and Xmas, probably too late now to even try or hope, but if I thought of the children (THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!) and ordered them some online presents, some of them stand a roughly 24% chance of being here by then...

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