It never rains like this in Calgary, or rarely rains like this.

Every day almost, torrents and sheets, it's torrential, a deluge, days only to sit inside and build model arks and be grateful one doesn't live anyplace really rainy, like Vancouver....

It's never been this green. Lush, verdant, the garden overflows with exotic looking plants, the lawn needs cutting every other day...

And work, with the rain, has been busy. It's always busy, busier might be the operative expression. And when after all the surviving is done and the midweek day off rolls around there's other work, web work, work that trespasses on my limited free time, trespasses on my goodwill and easygoing nature, which is becoming progressively less and less easygoing....

So a couple of thrift shops today, a haircut (long overdue, but I like to see how long I can push these things, simply slap on some more hair product..), to the grocery store for some cat food but I neglected to provide for myself and so it's yet another day dining at 7/11, they've a limited (although savoury) buffet, a 3 hour nap (no dreams proper, rather disconnected unsexy sex bits if that makes sense...), wake, more coffee, work, work, some podcasts, work, loaf, and now a brief, utterly useless posting before bed.

It's a bit of a dry spell for ideas. I'm being distracted by a hundred outside influences, work I don't want to do, work I have to do, the pressures of an impending vacation and visit to the dentist and the necessity of finding a proper job; I'm being eaten alive by a million tiny obligations ....

Time passes.

I search for the piece necessary to assemble the genii infested oil lamp, it's a threaded screw, I need it to assemble the genii infested oil lamp so I can take it's picture and sell it, but somehow it's disappeared, I could have sworn I left it lying in the middle of the floor, I saw it just last month, but now it's vanished. The sale of the lamp will wait, a shame really as I have the copy all practically written.

The haunted table, it's getting replies still, today a lady praising the lord and telling me that she doesn't believe in the Catholic Church or Priests but if my faith in Jesus is strong then I can overcome this haunting...

Outside, rain, giant drops and streams pour off the roof, the eaves troughs have overflown with leaves, cold weather to sit in by a fireplace drinking red wine and brandy, eating chocolate...

I have no red wine, brandy or chocolate. The fireplace is only ornamental, it holds a TV, also entirely ornamental (although of a more limited aesthetic).

And still it rains, I haven't checked the long term forecast, it doesn't matter, there's work to be done and no time to play and even if it's all done tomorrow (it won't be) there will be more, there's always more....

Each day on the bus you notice the river rising, wonder if the new house is far enough from the river, a brief respite, a day or two of sunshine, then it rains again, sky grey and overcast, fine drizzle to downpour, always it's raining and there's much to be done.


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