Day off.

Trip to the local thrift shops - today's find - a vintage navy blue overcoat, double breasted with a high collar, 3/4 length, a row of brass buttons on each lapel, (anchor and Canada logo). Heavy, maybe 20 pounds.

It's expensive, close to $50.00, but it's a sale day and I can have it for 60% off. Which, in my world, is still expensive, by I'm seduced by the false economy of the word "Sale", and I've rather come to detest my old overcoat, the muted, nondescript checks, lack of cut and color ... 

I try it on. It's excellent. By which I mean I now resemble some sort of Japanese anime character, or with the right lighting (dim) and the collar turned up, a teen vampire. I check with the sales assistant. She agrees that the coat is indeed excellent, but is reluctant to go on record as saying I look like a teen vampire... "One of the lost boys, maybe" she offers helpfully, she's loathe to commit to the word "teen"...

I leave my old overcoat behind. This will be the new me ... (photos will follow)


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