I called it wrong. AN hour in line for a box of neckties, (given to the boys at work, who could use a bit of fashion help), a couple of oversized waistcoats for a rather oversized waiter (not that oversized, as it turned out..), and a vintage leather coat, not that I needed another one but it was too good to leave. All in all a rather mediocre haul.

I had my doubts, thought that perhaps it would have been better to start at the Northmount sale, but that would have involved the plotting of new bus routes, and the sad thing is, no matter where you go the best finds will always have been elsewhere... Some days are like that.

Sunday went to the Ramsay parade of Garage sales, again nothing of merit, a pair of beautiful brass church sconces, embossed with crosses, they would have made my weekend but sadly they weren't for sale, merely bait to lure in customers, the house, from the outside a rather decrepit and nondescript 1 1/2 story wartime bungalow, on the inside proved to be a proper granny's attic filled to the ceiling with lamps and candlesticks, glittering heaps of antique glass doorknobs, but alas no bargains. And the surveying of the rest of the neighborhood turned up no treasures whatsoever.

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