Probably the highlight of the year. An early morning tomorrow, in line by 8:00 AM, by 9:00 there will be close to three hundred people waiting.

It's one of the best sales around.

And tonight was the Christ Church Rummage Sale, also very good, but sadly work interfered. SO many rummage sales, so little time.

There's another one at the corner of Northmount and Northland Drive tomorrow as well, but it starts at 8:30 and I'll be in line waiting for the Samaritan Rummage sale to start. It's a gamble, the Northmount one is good as well, past finds have included rosaries, a gingerbread clock (not working) and a cuckoo clock, a trombone, miscellaneous other rubbish, but the Good Samaritan Rummage sale is the most accessible and so wins out. I'll report on my finds later....


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