Well, it's come to that, has it? Bloody hell. Half the time I'm not sure if he's running for President or Assassination. I was rooting for Bernie Sanders, not sure that he could have effected all the changes he aspired to, but he was the best candidate by a long shot.

Now, a choice between Hillary Clinton - corruption and corporate politics all over again. NSA, the continuation of an increasingly distant, uninvolved and unengaged line of politicians. Expect more of the same. 

Or the Donald. Narcissistic, a liar, a certified idiot, but the fact that he's in the running, that he's got this much support, well, he's onto something. Would I vote for Donald? No. Never. But a vote for Donald now is a vote for the end of the USA. Hillary, we'll, she'll stay the course, do the right thing by her sponsors (not the voters, never the voters). But Donald, hell, I'm pretty sure if he survives he'll run that train clear off the rails. And maybe they need that, the Americans, the proof of how undemocratic their society has become, the final breaking of everything so they can take it apart and start over. Yeah, you wouldn't want to be an American, but shouldn't the fact that he's even running (or Hillary, or the Bushes, or any of a number of other incompetent, corrupt and otherwise ineligible candidates) suggest this? If I could, I'd be voting Donald, rent a south-facing balcony, pop open a beer and watch the fireworks...

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