The Women in Need have extended their hours.

Now this, while possibly good for a very few clients, is an absolutely lousy thing for staff. Speaking to them you detect a distinct lack of enthusiasm, but the decision came from head office (where the hours won't be extended in the least) and so they buckle down and live with it. Most of them buckled down to live with it, a few resigned in protest, the final straw that broke the employees back, but it's the way of the world.

Personally, considering the wages they're paid and the "necessity" of having a thrift shop open on Sunday, I won't be availing myself of their new and improved hours (I would if it was the people in Head Office working them, that then would be then worthwhile), and I'd recommend you don't either. There are much better deals to be had on the weekends, flea markets, garage & estate sales, let the employees have a life.

And maybe let Head Office know what a lousy policy it is.

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