Local Art: The last art exhibit at cafe ***, "Meh", abstractions by someone that doesn't understand abstraction and can't paint figurative.

But there's a new series, and  - well...

Wow. Pencil sketches with acrylic highlights on small Dollarama wooden boards, maybe a foot by a foot. Classic movie scenes, Jack Torrence from "The Shining", Michael Keaton in "Beetlejuice", One of "The Jokers". Bloody highlights are painted on with Dollorama Acrylics. I imagine a seriously deranged adolescent putting together this show. 

I stopped posting artists of the Kootenays, work got in the way, but I have to pick this up again. 

Then, a few days ago somebody puts a CD in my hand, I recognize the "CD Release Party" from a few weeks ago at the Capitol, I recognize the artist, seen him around, this town is filled with artists. Apparently he's very good...

Only I pop the CD in for a spin, I'm "lucky", my car has a CD Player, and...


Well, he's apparently very good at performing other people's stuff.

This, this was - imagine me, strumming competently, lightly on the guitar while I accompany it with an falsetto that extemporates upon local history; sort of a Led-Zepplin meets Lord of the Rings elves and fairies meets whacked-out-local-nut-job singing about his love of LSD and this particular girl whom I can only feel sorry for but she's probably just as addled. This for 10 songs, but you couldn't tell one apart from another, they're all the same, fiddling the guitar, singing about absolute shit, musically uninspired and lyrically abysmal, and I'm laughing, this is too good, this is hall-of-fame sort of shit, the kind of local talent that no one talks about, and I just figured out what my son is getting for his birthday....and damn, I'll have to buy one for you Nola as well...

It's at that point where it's so bad it's good, and I want to leap on board and recommend it to everyone I know, learn the lyrics to a couple of the songs, fortunately there's no real melody, hum it, sing it out loud at the bus stop, in the cafe's, those who get it will get it...

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