Dreams, that I was the sub for a bunch of High-School Physics students in Toronto, the class, more an old school library with the green shaded lamps and bookcases, a class out of Oxford or Eton, I was to sub for a week and now was time to administer a test...

Only I don't know what questions I should ask, let alone the answers, it's been a week and I haven't yet figured it out, I'm confused, know nothing, and the professor shows up, back from vacation, indignant, to throw chalk and curse at me, call me a fraud...

There's another sub I'm getting along with, talking, he's telling me nothing,...

Another dream, more dreams, still images, this next, I'm being pursued through an abandoned factory by giant disembodied ghost heads, like the the demons in Miyazaki's "Spirited Away", only these aren't cartoons or anime, more real-world renderings of his nightmares, nightmarish but not a nightmare...

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