That I'm back at the "Cock & Suck", the pub I've been at the last few years, and this year they've hired a whole new pile of employees. New cooks, servers, skulls every one, tattoos, overly friendly. And waitresses who think they know me and are sexually forward, only I'm kind of lost...

They're all settling in, there's rooms here, rooms there, everyone's found a place to sleep and I don't want to, don't want to be beholding to the company store...

These places, rooms, restaurant, I've never been, yet they're familiar, as if from another dream, and everywhere I go I'm finding their stuff, my stuff, trunks of my stuff left behind from years past, trying to gather it up, only I haven't the arms, and I'm not sure yet where I'm taking it to...

Rowena, Philippine ex from London, here in a bedroom with husband, he's old, she's "Shhhh"-ing me when I recognize her, close the door, still there's the other waitresses, familiar, lewd, and I'm still gathering my possessions and looking for a place to sleep...

Shit-show of a dream, mixed feelings about returning to the restaurant, "Rowena"? Wtf? ...and the locations, familiar only through other dreams...

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