First Dream: That a friend was returning some coats I had given him for dry cleaning (dark skinned, I recognize him - ??? - who?- in the dream as a friend), and I see upon one of my blue suit jackets what appears to be a little white bedbug, and I'm handing them back to him, this won't do, and now do I have to change all my clothes, bedding? And did he dry clean them in the first place and if he did why in the heck are there bedbugs on it?

To this he just shrugs, not his problem, it's no big deal...

Second Dream: That I am in Vietnam with my family, not Vietnam with not-my-family, it's someplace else, a dreamscape, the colors too pastel, the grass the plastic kind you see in Bento boxes, when up from the grass there rises a green viper, it strikes me on the leg, but, surprisingly it doesn't bother me, I examine the wound, bite marks, what looks like plasma running down...

Across the river there's an kindly older Vietnamese lady who's showing me some large old coins, the busts of king or politicians on one side, the rest of the coin is worn away, just the busts, rococo stylized swirls of fabric, and I resolve to take a few of these with me as souvenirs

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