(An aborted sleep at a rest-stop after an aborted trip with the daughter...)

I'm in traffic, collecting money stuck to cars, my car, there's a local radio station giving it away, it's stuck to their bumper, there's a traffic jam, a pile of Canadian dollars, stuck to their car (my car?), I peel it off, take for myself, there's another pile and I take it off and give it away...

They don't like this, the local radio station, but never-mind and there's more stuck to their bumper and I peel it off and take it for myself, give some away...

(Rest Stop. A scant 1 hour of sleep, the daughter doesn't like it. can't sleep without the drone of the car and the breeze through the window, scarcely has it begun than she wakes me to leave, 31 hour drive on 1 hour sleep...)

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