...and it was on the news that there were shipwrecks washing up on the coast of Jordan and there were all sorts of treasures there, gold, bullion, only the King of Jordan had said no scavenging and I thought to myself that the coast is big and the beaches are long and my chances of being found out are small and it's not so far away and so I took my metal detector and went...

...on the beach, only I seem to have forgotten my metal detector, I have my cameras though, my phone, my HD little video camera, my tablet, and as the sun is setting all along the wharfs and piers are these white lobsters, they've come out of the water, are walking along, and as I get close to take a picture they slip away into the water...I'm holding my tablet, approaching one, it seems to be clutching a piece of plastic or something in it's claw to shield itself from me, trying to sneak up on it, get a picture, only my tablet now, its all broken up, shattered screen, loosely held together, I have to be gentle with it the shattered glass is falling apart, held together only by the wires behind, it's still working though...

...there are people coming down through the forest, it's night, and I try and slip away unobserved, I'm wondering what I'll do without the tablet, somebody beside me is complaining about it being broken, a red neck of sorts, real ass-hole...in a dimly lit apartment building lobby now, filled with bad paperback books, there's a crowd waiting for the elevator, I'm going onto it, strange people, all going up ...

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