We catch up. Coffee's taken a bit of a back seat to work as of late, and we're lucky if we meet every month.

He's the same. 2012 is coming and he's sure, well, maybe not sure but hopeful that things will change. And did I know that they might have the date wrong? It's supposed to be a year early...

We talk about other things, his shares in a gold mine that is rumored to be sold to the Chinese for six or seven billion dollars. There's the problems with the one world government, the Vatican, the global eugenics program that's already under way as evidenced by the contrails and the GM foods, ...

And I understand his hopefulness that the world will end, that the righteous will be called to heaven or perhaps by taken by ET's, and he's a bit sad that the world has come to this but he's hopeful, too, that he will be one of the chosen...

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