He's brought his new wife into the restaurant, and the owner has come out to meet them. She's beautiful, he's showing her off, she's perhaps my age, but there would appear to be some slight cosmetic enhancements, no one really looks that good at 45. He doesn't look so good, he's brought along his mother and she's brought along her daughter, at first I thought his mother was the new wife, but I'm introduced before I have a chance to make a rather unfortunate mistake.

And the owner goes through his schtick of telling the women how beautiful they are and going for the double kiss and quick grope, the women are hesitant, more hesitant than most, and when they've been sat and he's been introduced to the new wife, new daughter, old mother he finds out their celebrating the daughter's return, she's back indefinitely, she's been away teaching English in China.

The owner acknowledges her beauty, tries to set her up on a date with G, she's embarrassed and not terribly interested she tells him.

And from here it gets worse. She speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, and the owner begins asking how she likes teaching the "Chinky chinks", and he adopts a special funny voice, but it's not funny and nobody's laughing. The new husband stares into space, the wife and the daughter simply carry on politely as if they've heard nothing. The owner repeats himself, maybe she has a chink boyfriend? and they fluff about some more, the politeness is getting strained, but he doesn't catch it, drops the chink bomb perhaps 5 or 6 more times in conversation, I'm standing by to get a drink order and they're looking increasingly uncomfortable, regretting their choice of restaurants, I want to apologize for everyone, but where to begin....

It's a scene right out of BBC's The Office, but there are lines even The Office wouldn't cross....

When finally he's left the conversation resumes on a less strained level. I talk to the daughter, she tells me she loves it, she makes the equivalent of ten thousand dollars a month on a two hour work day, I'm jealous. And she repeats it just to rub it in, but I've heard enough, I know there are much better jobs out there....

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