The bosses nephew, he's obsessed, he's told me this story a hundred times and it's every time as funny as the first. They definitely made an impression.

"Oh my God you would not believe it...the little children are crying, the old people are..." and he's explaining about the time he and his girlfriend were at the Calgary Zoo and the chimpanzees began having sex.

'then 5 monkeys come out and the female monkey, she knows.... Oh my God, you have to call the zoo and find out when they are going to have sex again and go down to see....I have seen Giraffes fucking and Elephants fucking on the National Geographic channel on TV, but I never see nothing like this...."

I'm curious, not to see the chimps fucking (the thought of discreetly interrogating the wardens to find the best time to visit is surreal, to say the least), but what it is that has so shocked him.

He finishes: "Two things you must see before you die. The monkeys fucking at the Zoo and the donkey show in Tijuana. They have special donkeys...."

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