Trip to the thrift shop today, found some new shoes. Beautiful, black, brand new, $8.00. Very styling.

They'd be good for work, only I have a pair of somewhat decrepit used shoes I have reserved for that purpose. These shoes, the new shoes, they'll be saved for the new job in September. Another little thing I'm superstitious about - start a new job with new shoes.

Meanwhile, at work the days pass slower and slower. 2 weeks to go and the time drags on and on. 

"Soon" I tell myself, but I still have to go in for the final couple of weeks after vacation, no notice given as of yet, hopefully that will give me a chance to get to the dentist before leaving...

And that's it. Other creative projects in the works, but they take time and that's one thing I seem to be a little short of at the moment...


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