I'm done, just hanging on for the summer vacation. But it's a crummy time to leave and so I've promised Franco that I'll come back after the "vacation" and do a couple more weeks while they train up someone new.

The owner, the boss, he doesn't know yet, and I don't know when will be a good time to tell him.

He's being extra nice and I'm worried that he suspects. He asks about my plans, what I'm doing, confides that it's what he works for all year, and it kills me because I like him, but it's not for me, not this schedule, in September I'm going to have theater tickets, seasons tickets, I'm going to have my son over for weekends, I'm going to go out of town, visit friends, take time off and travel, paint, write more, and I can do none of these things while I'm working here. He won't understand.

That time in September, the couple of weeks I'm coming back, that was premium time to get out my resumes, I have a plan, something different, and it has to be done before the weather turns, and it can't be done while I'm working there.

He's being extra nice, he's offered me his motorcycle, old but only a few thousand K, to get to work on, but I won't be coming to work here, don't want to have that debt on my head.

It's been rainy, hailing, the weather tells you to stay indoors, hardly the kind of weather that inspires one to look for work, but even if the snow is 3 feet on the ground I'll need to find another, more livable job.

He's not going to take it well.

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