The unwary write David Thorne. The author of the 27b/6 weblog, which you can view here:, search for the hidden link, or follow the links below.

What is tragic, really tragic, is that many of his victims have visited his website, or know him, and really, really oughta know better.


Still, that said, he frequently nails it on the head:

Like here, wherein an unwitting Mr. Simon Edhouse writes David with a hot opportunity to showcase his pie chart and logo skills...which David shows off to remarkable effect. Truly Mr. Simon Edhouse overestimates their friendship, but David manages to persuade him with pie charts and logo where it really stands. 

He should have known better. I don't buy his story of David having made up the emails for a second, and as anyone who's freelanced can attest, getting payment can be like pulling teeth. And if that weren't enough, there's a long list of his other victims....

Like Mr Carganovsky (Not Skye Cargan). Or poor Lucius. (one wonders what his offense was, apart from perhaps being a little too short or vain...). Or the manly and very politically correct Les Copeland. The erudite Richard Matthews. The fit and friendly Jeff Peters. Or the wealthy socialite, Roz Knorr.

Somehow it's tough feeling sorry for them. Well, maybe a bit for Scott Mintred, because his only crime seems to be that he's trying too hard to be funny and just not succeeding, but the rest, well... make up your own mind.

**Note: Couldn't sleep last night and it dawned on me where Mr. Thorne got the title of his weblog. 27B/6 is the form required by Sam Lowry to have his apartment repaired in Terry Gilliam's masterpiece 'Brazil'. It's also the number of an apartment occupied by George Orwell. The Wiki here:

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