There was so much they could have done with this....


Image: Gorilla with knife


Front page news in the Calgary Herald. The headline something like "Gorilla with knife scares visitors to Calgary Zoo", or the like.

What it should have been was "Proof of Evolution" or "The Missing Link Discovered" or "Gorilla takes hostage, threatens euthenasia if demands not met...", "Gorilla prepares for Calgary Stampede" or a hundred other far more entertaining possibilities.

A shame the photographer sold the rights to the Herald.

The real story was much more mundane, a zookeeper had forgotten his knife in the enclosure, curious gorilla picks it up, aghast visitor snaps photo. What was remarkable was the comments posted on the site, hundreds of irate Calgarians demanding that the zoo be closed, cleverly observing the obvious fact that the zoo is inhumane, ignoring the obvious contradiction that our bloated lifestyles have stolen from the Gorillas the last of their habitat, if not for the zoo then they soon may well not exist at all....

Funny how people look at things.

And then the case of poor the woman crushed by the falling cement slab in Montreal, initial headline "Woman crushed by cement slab in Montreal", then, as the story updates (Woman was sitting on outdoor patio at cafe celebrating birthday with her husband, slab falls from builing and crushes her) the headline is changed to "Woman asked to sit there...", a morality tale for demanding customers, implicit is the fact that by requesting this seat she was somehow responsible for her misfortune, the classic case of a demanding customer somehow getting her just desserts...

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