The nephew calls, it's been a month, 6 weeks even, he's got stories...

Like how he got a job at Wal-Mart in Cochrane for a few days, only the 15 year old 200lb 5' tall autistic kid didn't like how he was working so complained to the manager, this deaf-mute, who promptly began to tell the Nephew off, only the Nephew couldn't understand as he's a new immigrant who doesn't speak English that well, and the deaf-mute guy, well, you know, his English wasn't so good either, and in the end the Nephew quit, wasn't his sort of thing, he really wanted to meet cute girls but there wasn't any there, all just marginal people, disabilities, new immigrants, etc, and I think to myself "Welcome to Corporate Canada in the 21st Century".

And, hanging up, I realize how much I miss him, I mean, he's now the most normal person I know...

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