"Just go. You're done. You've been raised. Go. Just go..."

With this it's time to see the boy off to college. The boy, 19 years, more or less, the daughter leaves in 5 days, but the boy, well, we're a little more attuned, he's been around a lot more. And there's the awkward final farewell, coffee, my pleading for a final bottle of Vodka, the last-ditch attempts to empty the apartment of useless shit I'm reluctant to pack up yet again into the locker...he's hung out long enough, other commitments, it's painful, I know, making sure he's set, I can't offer him any of the essentials like food or liquor, but I've a superfluity of ornament, books, cufflinks, gifts for girlfriends he has yet to meet...

"You need any maps to the local gold and diamonds?" I offer...

He mostly declines.

"Whatcha gonna do after?" I ask him, although I know the answer..."Mostly lawyering I think, Pa" he replies. I know, but I'm damned.

He's excited, wants on-the-road-right-now, I get it, I do too, but 5 days left of the daughter and 10,000 days of unpaid bills and expenses and I'm trapped once again. Fucking bloody hell.

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