You see the signs - some crazy old hippie camping out somewhere near 12 Mile, large hand-painted signs warning of human induced climate change, "The Anropocene", most people dismiss him. Last year his signs were 3 mile, he's a seasonal visitor.

Most people dismiss him as a lunatic.

I'm not so sure. 

Every year we're breaking more and more heat records. Less and less precipitation. Milder and shorter winters. 

Tomorrow, the next few days, forecast at 40 degrees Celsius or greater. 

I've never seen it that hot out here. Even in Saskatchewan, or the Drumheller Valley. 

Never, not once. And it's not even July. And it's going to get worse. Up to 50 degrees Celsius in Kamloops, if you can believe it. 42 in Nelson. 


Note that "Climate Change" has almost entirely shifted - this is a "Heat Wave" - there's no mention of how Climate Change might have driven or impacted this. We hit new records - year after year, the classic climate change hallmarks - yet now, for some reason, it's off the table for discussion. 

This Pandemic, it was just the toe in the door - there's a world of trouble coming. There's a theory of climate change that talks about "Tipping Points" - how - once past a certain tipping point, it's almost certainly irreversible, and the change will only accelerate. We're there. 

Think of ball rolling down a slope. Predictable, you know when it leaves, you know when it arrives at the bottom. Simple formula. 

But this, this is more a ball starting to fall off an incline, into the abyss, and the scientists, they've foretold it, predicted it, but were silenced, but there's good information out there that were at a critical time in human history. World history - not just ours - and that shit is about to go sideways fast.

And so lockdowns end, eat, drink, be merry, for the Pandemic is over but the end of the world is upon us...


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