You see it crop up on Facebook - "The Kootenay Housing Crisis", by which they mean there's a shortage of affordable housing for local residents. 

This is, of course, complete and utter bullshit. Not the housing crisis, this is real, I've lived out 5 years now, or close enough to, and there is a dearth of available and affordable housing. And what's available is often misrepresented - what initially seems like a good deal is complicated by heating bills - out here that's a big expense, or driving (a must), or a dozen other unanticipated expenses that invariably end up being appended to your rent and cost of living. 

But the term "Housing Crisis" - whether it be here or elsewhere - is too often applied to mean that there's a shortage of housing, when the fact of the matter is that there's a failure of governance to create and enforce policies and law that would ensure everyone had access to housing. Policies that would - for example - state that any property that sits vacant is subject to a substantially higher rates of tax than a property that is occupied. Policies that would tax secondary properties at substantially higher rates than primary properties - the fact remains that house prices are largely inflated due to speculation and foreign/absentee owners. And policies that would see properties that sit vacant for extended periods of time (say, for the sake of argument - 3 years) - whether it be because they're for sale or other reasons - can be seized and auctioned by the city or province. 

Property - like too many other things - should not be a commodity that can be bought/sold/traded at a profit - it should be used and preserved. We have no problems suing landowners who contaminate their properties with toxic chemicals, we have laws preventing the building of unsafe structures, laws can as well be implemented that ensure everyone has equal opportunities to housing.

Other solutions worth considering: Do away with property ownership entirely, all property is "on lease" from the federal government, much like they do in National Parks. In theory, everyone should be able to afford housing FOR THEIR LIFETIME. Make property uninheritable - you can pass down your principle living residence upon your death, but all secondary residences are auctioned by the government. PROHIBIT FOREIGN OWNERSHIP (This is a no-brainer!) There are more, I'm sure, these are just a few that spring to mind.



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