I'm sorry, but this may be my last post for a while. 

Tomorrow I intend to win the LottoMax 70 Million Dollar Grand Prize, as well as a few of the subsidiary prizes (Maxmillions, Extra's, Etc.). 

This wasn't an easy decision, but it made sense what with the restaurant getting crazy busy and all and me having other, more important things to do.

"Enough is Enough" as the saying goes, and as I've done my stint in poverty I'm overdue for a change of pace. 

This is how I did it. 

  1. I put myself into a hypnopompic state and visualized the winning lottery numbers. Actually I just let numbers drift into my field of view and wrote them down.
  2. I picked the numbers most likely to win based on the numbers that had won most often in the past.
  3. I assigned numbers to a deck of cards and did myself a 7 card Tarot reading. One card (the king of clubs) didn't fit, so I drew another. 

3 Forms of divination. 3 winning tickets. And a lot of quick picks and Extras. 

I have seen the Kingdom of the Lord and it is bounteous and if Ye should right your ways and Tarry with me I will show you wonders....

Following the purchase of said numbers and ceremonial burning of the tickets (used for my purchase) I returned home to recline in my poverty. I will miss it. 

Actually, Nope, Nope I won't. Not one bit. Not a single iota. 

First thing I intend to do with my winnings is to buy a couple of dozen of the high end sex dolls from the USA. Silicon. Top of the Line. Every sex, race and flavor. And then have a midsummer rave/solstice party at Ken's. Invite the entire town to attend.

And then? And then. You just wait and see...

(**Went outside for a fag in the gloaming. And there was a shooting star. So, yeah, I won. I WON!!!!)

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