Today it is Autumn. The wind is blowing, the sky a slate grey, colored leaves blowing in waves down the street. 

I've enquired about my cheques, any of them would do nicely, I have the children this weekend and it would be nice if they were fed. If I was fed, it's been an entire week living on pasta with butter and rice fried in oil. But there's been no reply. And so maybe I should simply ignore my email for a day or two and see what happens.

There was the call from the conspiracy group, they were meeting up for coffee, but I couldn't go, I had, I have, other imagined appointments.

It's autumn and the leaves rustle down the streets, fill the lawn, the wind bends the trees. The appointments, they won't show, they were imagined.

And so I work on projects, pass the time "finishing things up", websites forever in development have now the possibility of completion, other things as well draw to their final close and I finish them up, work madly upon them and pause only for a cigarette and reflection.

I'm almost out of cigarettes, must ration them, the absence of reply on question of the cheque makes me think that it could be a while....

Change is in the air.

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