So, according to the information I've been given, 10, now 9 shifts to go. And the owners are humming and hawing about closing early, maybe even as early as this weekend.

I'm cheering for early. I'm done, it was a long summer. I want to be free now. A few short weeks ago there was the smoke from the fires in the US, then the rain, now the leaves are turning and there's a chill in the air and I'm missing my creative projects, a place to live (other than a sofa), time to get on with other projects too long deferred. 

Now that it's out there I can't wait, a few shifts - hopefully - left, then up the mountain to gather more crystals (and there's snow now on the peaks, creeping slowly down, and I'm gathering at high elevations so this is not good news...), time to find a place to live, get organized and warm for the winter, start again the habit of writing (and there's been lots but the blog, well, it takes some regular access to a computer), ....

Restless. Fall is without a doubt my favorite season, yet I need a place to live and the time to enjoy it...

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