...And this is where it starts...

I'm pretty sure that in my countless expeditions and miles I've found a few stones of interest. Not gold, or platinum, but maybe a few diamonds...

It's hard to tell. They look like, well, any other rocks...small, quartz shards, they lack the obvious diamond structure and crystal matrix...but the rest is just fine...

So I waited and eventually my diamond tester showed up and ... later, without the daughter, I read the instructions and ...

It seemed I had.

This was/is a little unbelievable. I've grown so used to disappointment, too small, minute, flakes of gold in the pan, this can't be the case...

But I test them with the diamond tester, again and again, visually inspect them, compare them to images I've found on the web, and always there's the "maybe..."

It's a simple thing, to bring them into a jewelers and confirm/deny that they are what I think, even if they are, they're too small to be valuable...but still I hesitate...

It's time, really, the car is done, done, done, a diamond injection would save the vacation, give us an (undisclosed) purpose, but still I hesitate...


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