Maybe it will, all of a sudden, but it seems unlikely. The days drag, slow, where the Pandemic hasn't conspired against us the weather has. 

The patio, cold, windy, intermittent sunshine that doesn't last, ....

BC, the COVID numbers dropping, 800, 700, 600...

Alberta, the numbers rise, rise, rise again, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300...

This Pandemic, it seems it will never end. Maybe, given the vaccination numbers, it will. All of a sudden, all at once, and the Covid will just disappear. But it seems unlikely.

Now, the latest, BC recommends, requests Albertans stay home, shelter in place, even if they have a BC residence. 

It doesn't matter, the take out orders still come, Alberta area codes. 

Maybe it will just end, but I doubt it, it seems more likely that it will be somewhat contained for the summer. Those that are inclined will get vaccinated. This will take a couple of months. Alberta's numbers might plateau, with their new lockdowns, BC's numbers will likely continue to drop, the borders will remain closed to all but "essential" travel, but how is this determined?

And come the fall the fourth wave, all of the anti-vaccers, the forty-odd percent of the population that knew infinitely better than all the doctors, it will be their turn to be infected, and the lockdowns will come again, only this time it will be natural selection, and my sympathies will be exhausted.

This is the never-ending pandemic, the Pandemic without end, and, a year and a half in, seeing everyone's reaction, our political will, I've almost come to rooting for it...

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