Trying, once more, to get back into the rhythm of civilized life. Shower, a luxury now that I have one, every other day at least, shave, make the bed. Make lists - after the 4 day honeymoon upon arrival was over the anxiety returned - so much to do, so little time, and the lists give me at least a clear outline of what needs to be done. Cooking, which I immediately neglected - despite having seriously missed it these past 6 months - in favor of Circle 6's hot dog buffet, Mucho Burrito, the Indian Buffet, but - back on track, and frankly - as much as I missed the others, my own cooking is far superior. Now to rebuild the pantry. Walking, exercise, meditation - so far only the "Clear the mind" type, there's others I'll soon be making time to explore. I've been trying the "dangerous writing" app, it's good, nothing ever worth saving but it's always straight from the unconscious, shut your eyes and don't stop typing or it's gone. It forces the realization upon you that writing - good writing (not mine by any means) is 99% editing...

And - by and by, get life under control and work on other plans...

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