A fine day off and I take my temporary passport and head to the border. The Selkirk Loop. Down through Sandpoint, explore thrift shops, antique shops (no money to buy, but look, get inspired.).

Sandpoint is cool, the weather fine, something about being in the US, cheap gas and cigarettes, life is mighty fine...

And I check out a rock shop in Sandpoint, and things go from fine to excellent. Some amazing specimens:

A four foot tall Amethyst geode, from Brazil, with amazing quartz or Calcite crystal in the middle. If you were religious this would be proof of God. And, hard to believe, I know, but cheap at a mere $15, 000 Canadian. And I mean cheap, this is an amazing piece, museum quality...If I won 10 million dollars I'd buy it for my locker and pay somebody to clear a spot for it...

Stikine River Garnets

And cool specimens of Stikine River garnets, good color, and pretty displayed on the schist. But of extra interest to me because I've found similar - smaller, but specimens on schist, good crystals, and so maybe I can monetize mine?

Beautiful included quartz for Chakras. This is the beginning of something that I can't finish, but, hey, lets go a little down that road anyways...

Boji Stones 

Boji Stones? WTF are these? You can't really seem them through the plastic bags...Lets read the pamphlet (I tried to get one, but they only give them away with purchase...)

(right click & open in new tab to embiggen and read...or read more here: https://www.avaloncrystals.com/bojistones)

 I couldn't make this shit up, or I could but I'd be a little bit embarrassed. How am I poor?

And this:

These are interesting. Lets read their pamphlet, shall we?


Yeah. All right. And this is the tip of the iceberg, if you've been in any of these types of shops you know, there is so much more, but I am inspired, I am inspired...

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