Monday, day one of an unexpected 3 day "weekend" - Unbox Stormy Scrolls. There's a shit load of scrolls and assorted other rubbish, including (but not limited to):

  • - A guardian "Travel" angel statue
  • - 2 withered beyond repair Xmas oranges
  • - Small bag of cashews
  • - 2 lollipops. 
  • - Some previously enjoyed chewing gum
  • - 1 Sweet Potatoe

An unbelievable amount of unreadable books, a travel bag filled/coated with jam, (presumably for ease of dining, sadly no crackers provided), and - of course - the obligatory scrolls.

This is all rubbish. Not scrolls.

Partially done. Rubbish and scrolls.

Just the scrolls, please. Rerolled. 

In the end, very little worthwhile - 100+ scrolls of cartoon women with big bazooms looking like they'd been steamrolled, like what happened to Coyote with Roadrunner, bazooms aiming east and west, quick sketches, no real effort, he just has to get it out. These I will sell in the "Stormy Gift Shop" for the very reasonable price of $10-$20.00 Apiece. While it doesn't look like much it takes hours to look at each one and reroll it - and separate it from the rubbish - the garbage to be returned (and he will tell me "but it was Marilyn's favorite...." or "It was for Noah/Eve/Ms...".) Bollocks - I drop it off at his place, he can take it back to the free pile from whence it came, only - and I'm getting a phobia of calling round - there's more rubbish. 

I'm getting smarter, I pick out the scrolls, leave the rest. Bloody hell. That's almost an entire free day gone going through his "art". 

Finish the day with a quick trip to the thrift shop - discover an antique mantel clock - Belgian - $5.00 - "It doesn't keep time" they tell me, why it's so cheap.

I hate the dial, but love the case. From the innards and case I can do something interesting, but first to wind it and make sure it's not working. I'd hate to destroy a perfectly good clock on somebody's say-so, or for one of my many ho-hum art projects.

Wind it to discover that the clock is working fine, chimes "Oranges and Lemons" or some such very recognizable melody on the hour, out perhaps 10 minutes per day - a minor adjustment, and now I'm stuck with it. When it winds down I'll pull the face, paint over it, give the clock some life and color, and then live with it.

And that's Monday. 2 days off left...

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