So a little under the weather, still, tired a bit but you have to spend some of the day awake, lunch, coffee, then back home, nap, up, bored...

No good reason to be bored if your me, it's a form of procrastination, surf the web, see what there is to see, catch up, talk to family, but I'm not so well that I'm getting anything done...

Watch recommended TED Talks on YouTube. Some are OK, most are just shit. At 15 or 20 minutes a video these create even more boredom than they dispel...

...but every talk has something, and reading the comments on one that promises to "Multiply your time" I discover that the key is to watch the videos at 2X their regular speed...find it, it's on YouTube, the settings icon in the lower right corner...

And sure enough, everything is still there, you can understand the speakers, less "meaningful" pauses, and if you watch them you'll notice that the acceleration makes people more or less plausible as they give their talks, it accelerates, accentuates their mannerisms, gives you a quicker insight into not only who they are but what they're telling you...

So, life is short, the internet, vast, Watch TED Talks at 2X the speed...

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