It's been a week and the leg is finally starting to mend. Or I've gotten smarter about it, and have started on the cautionary tylenol first thing in the morning. By Wednesday it had swollen so that it looked as if I had two knees, the pain, however, was subsiding, and I found with it replaced with a host of other, more trifling, complaints, sore shoulder, neck, burn marks on my temples from the tDCS, the other leg. The leg is walk-able, I'm able to flex it without any stabbing pains, just a generalized soreness, even lying down. It'll be my trick knee, and I'll use it to predict the weather when the kids come 'round, every cloud has a silver lining...

Meanwhile, have begun to empty the locker, so much rubbish...cameras, tripods, bean-pots, listing it off on Kijiji and selling it, I'm amazed always by what sells (and what doesn't). 20 items listed, 4 sold so far, another hundred or so to list, it becomes it's own full time job. If they don't sell on Kijiji move them onto eBay, a bigger market guarantees sales (although not price, though there are surprises here as well). Photograph, touch up, writing's almost more work than it's worth. Almost...

...but it's lightening my heart.

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