The schedule, it changes 3 times a week. I check it every time I go in. The shifts, they're covered by people I've never met, my days off hinge on people who've been hired sight unseen showing up to do the job, and so far we're not doing so good. #1, no experience serving, we try to train her but this is not the place to cut your teeth. Another server, come with her chef boyfriend from Ontario, they show up for 3 days then contrive a family emergency, disappear. Another couple, chef and server, show up to replace them, work 3 days and then do a midnight move, they don't even have a car, got out of there with their luggage and their thumbs. Half the people on the schedule I've never met, never meet, or cross paths with only briefly, and my every day off depends upon them...

7 weeks of summer to go, weather it all until the September long weekend and I can get back to my own devices...

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