And, now that the restaurant has slowed down a bit, time to clean, and ...

Chris has added me on Facebook. I don't play facebook, never post updates, but it's become a new way to torment the chef at work: "Why don't you add me as a friend on facebook?" I ask....

I know damned well, I wouldn't ask me either...

Eventually he caves, adds me, removes me, adjusts some filters and settings so presumably friends and family can't see my posts...

So it begins. Chris and I, we begin asking him questions. Questions like: "How old was Smeagol when he lost the ring...?" and "What kind of dragon makes the best pet?" and "Do you think Shadowfax was better than Pegasus?" and "Dumbledore VS Gandalf...?", and Ken, poor Ken, he can't help himself, he has to answer..."Shadowfax couldn't fly..." and "Galdalf the Grey or Gandalf the White...?".

It's too easy this, shooting fish in a barrel, but it's some slight entertainment to tide me over until I can attend my own devices...


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