The text message inviting us out would have been a clue that this wasn't going to be the best organized event...and as it went on it became quite possibly the worse night out ever. And there's a lot of competition, let me tell you...

We start downtown, patio, after work, they've already had a few drinks. It's just F**** and G***, friends of G***, but they're already hammered. His old server friends are still working, promise to catch up with us after...

We move across the street, the Nephew joins us, they begin doing shots. Lots of shots, too many shots. It's a stupid-man-thing, this get uncontrollably drunk, but they feel entitled, none of them are going to be driving...

When you're sober and everyone around you is beyond hammered it's a pretty boring night out. I drove, my excuse not to drink, I could have walked but I didn't want to partake in this...wisely...

G***'s got a taste, he's looking for treats, wants me to order him some, I don't have the number, he brings it up again and again...

We move on to the Gay Bar, G***'s idea, thinks he can hook-up some shit there. No luck, they're getting ridiculously hammered, and now he's giving offense to everyone he meets, trying to pick a fight, the other G***, the nephew, F*****, keep intervening, and so he throws punches at us, hard punches, he's sorely trying the friendship, without a doubt the worst drunk I've seen in my life, and in a straight bar you could let him get away and find some justice, but here...

You don't want to be the asshole on his stag that connects or retaliates, you simply endure it, and the night grows long with enduring...

...outside, he's trying to pick fights with everyone, us included, the group can't keep together, always someone is going back to apologize for G***, break something up, a couple of Mexican homosexuals stop and throw bottles at him, he wants to go, wants to fight them, F***** intervenes, 5' tall F*****, gets punched, his glasses broken, there's only so much I can take, this is more than I should have to, anyone should have to...I give up, still sober, go home, abandon them all strung out on the street, the next day G*** is texting his apologies, he's the worst drunk in the world and that was the worst stag ever...

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