For a while I lived with Homunculus. A little man, older, retired and perpetually broke, he needed the money, I needed a cheap place to live.

As a condition of my living there I was treated to his opinions on everything, most, all of which weren't worth hearing and perfectly exemplifying the old adage "The unexamined life is not worth living", but he was long dead anyways, a fearful little man, waiting to corner me when I woke up to share with me some new-aged flash of insight, share worries that the government was concealing the truth, share his life's work, to warn the world's people against vaccinations, against contrails and taxes and the fluoride in the water...always something new...

He spends his days, 4:00 AM until 5:00 PM, on his computer "researching", as he calls it, miraculous resurrections, alternative medicine, government conspiracies and cover-ups, this, balanced with entire days, weeks, of defragging and fixing his computer, restoring his internet connection. He's too busy to get things done, leaving his room only to go for cigarettes. He fancies himself one of the Illuminati, his mission in life, if only he can get his computer working, to disseminate all the disinformation he's acquired, debunk the myths of evolution and science, if he saves just a single life it will all be worth it he tells me, ending with:"Think of the children..."

Once a week or so he heads on down to the food-bank, he's eligible, collects his box of groceries, takes them home, throws 90% of it away, "Not organic" he tells me, he refuses to eat anything that's not organic, he won't be poisoned by GM foods, then after lecturing me and filling the trash with the new groceries he heads off to co-op to buy himself some sausage rolls...

His kids, they avoid him, only call when they need money, a favor, he resents any intrusions upon "his work", his time sitting dazed in front of a computer screen, overwhelmed by the amount of drivel on the internet, his brain working to fit it all in, conspiracies, more conspiracies, everyone is out to get him, I should be worried too...

There is a certain Genius to his Idiocy, a life completely lived in denial, his house, a mausoleum, his perpetual avoidance of any sort of real thought or action, amusing, but sad, and I was due back in the real world...

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