It took a while to open all the packages from Batshit I got for Xmas. There was a lot, and began to weigh upon my mind, bundles of scrolls to be deciphered, interpreted, bags of partially wrapped (and consumed) food, finally, over a couple of days I managed to open them all. 

Scrolls, abundant, treasure maps, more drop-offs I was expected to deliver, mixed media, some more pornography but a surprising amount of non-pornography as well.

Boxes of unopened chocolate, licorice, regifted, as it were, from his overly abundant Xmas, half-eaten biscuits and crackers, I was too sick to listen when last I saw him but he was telling me the tale of how he has a 25 year old color printer, Canon, that does an excellent job of printing off $20.00 bills, and here he cracked his wallet open to show me all the supposed counterfeiting he had been up to, but it was bullshit, all of it, and my patience left me when the Flu started. But - just from the stuff he was regifting - you knew he was doing well. A brand new bar of soap, one of the fancy ones, and while I was pretty sure his hosts would have wanted him to use it I was also pretty sure if they got a whiff of me they'd agree I could use it as abandoned work glove with provenance written upon it, 

Ornamented children's books - Saint Stormy (himself) & 

Litnin Rod - Me...

And - the glove used by Renee Russo for making toasted cheese sandwiches. As well as various instructions and invitations to the Royal Wedding to be passed off to various invitees...

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